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From the Chair - December 2019

Published Tuesday, December 10, 2019 8:00am

Shane Wolf Rockin R River Rides‘Tis the Season

Time flies when you are having fun. Twelve months of representing a wonderful and award- winning organization, your Greater New Braunfels Chamber of Commerce. To represent a community that is and has been the second fastest growing in the U.S. three out of the last four years, and too call the community home and really get to see the difference people make on the front line has absolutely been one of the biggest honors for my year as Chair of the Chamber of Commerce.

As the Chamber’s Centennial year comes to an end there is much to reflect on. Not only with rejoicing in the celebration but also in the accomplishments our community has yielded this year alone. In recent recap presentations of 2019 there has been over 40 specific achievements. Here's a quick overview:

Under the purview of Economic Development there has been over a thousand new primary jobs announced and hundreds of thousands of square feet reserved for either new companies coming to town or existing companies looking to expand. This will result in higher employment for our citizens, unemployment remaining at historic lows, and sales tax revenue setting records.

Our Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB) received the renewal of a five-year contract with the City of New Braunfels and has continued to lead the public relations for our tourism industry. With hundreds of thousands of followers on social media and millions of impressions we continue to shine as a top destination. The Chamber’s CVB is also the coordinator of our City’s 175th celebration that will keep the calendar next year full of events you will not want to miss in 2020.

Community Betterment programs included the Braunfels Foundation Trust awarding over four dozen scholarships to our local youth striving for the trade industry. Our Hispanic Business Alliance established their grants program and the Jaycees were named as one of the state’s top Young Professional Organizations.

The Chamber has had hundreds of new members attend the New Member Receptions for 2019 and we are closing in on the century mark for ribbon cuttings for new businesses in town.

To hear more about the above accomplishments or the honorees of the Chair of the Board Awards, Hall of Honor or the Besserung (Citizen of the Year), join us January 31 for the 101st Annual Chamber Banquet. We’ll be debuting a special film on the 175th created by Third Crossing Productions.

Enjoy this time of year with the blessings in your life and tell someone you care. You never know what your tomorrow may hold. It has been an honor for me to have served in this role and to have met and worked with so many great New Braunfelsers. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

Success Flow Here!

Shane Wolf
2019 Chair of the Board