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Published Monday, December 18, 2017 5:00pm

This content is provided by Connally Plumbing, a plumbing company serving New Braunfels, San Marcos, and surrounding areas, and a member of the New Braunfels Chamber since 2016.

Notebook and pen2018 is right around the corner, and a new year is the perfect time to set new goals. But today we’re not talking about dieting, exercising, or decluttering. (You’re welcome.) We’re talking about practical goals for your small (or large) business in 2018. From social media to office parties, we’re sure you can find a goal or two on this list that are perfect for you and your business.

Get social.

Does your business have a Facebook page that’s gotten a little dusty? Does your Instagram account have any pictures yet? Social media is free marketing for your business, but it can sometimes feel like a waste of time.

Make a goal to spend 15 minutes of each work day interacting with your followers on social media, following new accounts, and posting relevant content. Consider focusing on a different platform each day (e.g., Instagram on Monday, LinkedIn on Tuesday, etc.). You might be surprised how much 15 minutes a day could benefit your business.

Step out of your comfort zone.

Join a local networking group to make new contacts or maintain old ones. Meeting other business owners brings you a new perspective and fresh ideas. Additionally, it gets you involved in your local community… and may even bring you some new business.

Maybe this means it’s time to update your business cards, or finally get them printed. Set a goal to hand out 10 business cards a month, and challenge your employees to do the same. It may seem old-fashioned, but a well-designed business card can leave a lasting impression.

Get to know your audience…again.

Chances are you spent time learning about your target market when you first started your business. If it’s been awhile since you re-evaluated your audience, make that a priority in 2018. Interests change and trends evolve. Make sure you know who your target market is, what they want, and how you can best reach them.


Are you prone to answering work emails from home? Create a better work-life balance in 2018 by turning off notifications from your work email, or just resisting the urge to check your email from home. If you’re really ambitious, don’t sync your work email with your phone at all.

Have a little fun.

Throw an occasional office party, surprise your employees with donuts on a Monday, or just treat yourself to a real vacation! We’ve all heard that all work and no play made Jack a dull boy, and who wants to be dull? Sometimes a short break can lead to better productivity and motivation. Let 2018 be the year you learn to balance work and play well, for you and your employees.


Are you ready to set your business goals and make 2018 the best year yet? Don’t delay in deciding on your new year’s resolutions, or let another year slip by without setting practical goals for your business.  Finalize them now, start the new year off well, and then make them happen.